In addition to providing Service and Support for all products supplied, Automated Cutting Room Services offers Installation and Support for the S – Series of High Ply Gerbercutters (S91, S5200 etc), in particular the C100 controlled cutters.
We hold large stocks of S91 Parts, both new and used.
Cutting Room Relocations:
In conjunction with JMS Services, ACRS is able to offer an International service relocating Gerbercutters, together with a wide range of spreading machines and other cutting room machinery.
Numerous installations have been carried out in many parts of the world.
As well as offering Training for all products supplied, ACRS can offer a range of options including:
S-series Gerbercutter Operator and Engineer Training
Vectorworks 2D CAD for use with Plotter Cutters
OptiTex Digitise, Import, Grade, PDS and Mark Training
TouchCad 3D Modelling and Unfolding